Hark & Zander! What’s in a name? And how we got ours...

Hark & Zander! What’s in a name? And how we got ours...

What’s in a name?

Have you ever noticed that it’s always a bit of a wrestling match to get the right words in the right order when you’ve got something important to say?

It was like that with Hark & Zander. We wanted a name that would somehow encapsulate all the goodness of our vision:

Creating premium and innovative skincare for the love of people and planet.

And our values:

H - Hempseed Oil is our hero: Innovation in luxury skincare that harnesses nature and is backed by science.

A - Artful attention to product detail: Known worldwide to surprise and delight.

R - Reliable in our relationships: We go above and beyond.

K - Kindness is key: We value and respect our people and our planet.

We wanted subtle layers of meaning that would set the course for everything we create now and into the future. 

We wanted to tell the world about this goodness and be heralds of a revolutionary approach to luxury skincare. We had high expectations for a word or two to contain (and eventually convey) all this meaning. So with much wrangling and wrestling and levering and jostling we emerged with Hark & Zander.

It's definitely a catchy brand name and it means a lot to us. Here's a little etymology infused with some H&Z swag:

HARK: We love the old fashioned word Hark! We reckon it's a word worthy of reviving.
Think: "Hark the herald..." and you get the gist of where we're heading. When you've got good news you want to share it. Hark! Listen up!

ZANDER: From the Greek Xander, Zander means "Defender Of The People." We are on a mission, people! 

So yes, it's the perfect objective for a luxury, hempseed oil-based skincare range with some kick-ass punch to it.

So essentially we're saying, "Listen up! We want to share this with you. This crazy-amazing cosmetic range full of hempseed-goodness will help your skin.

It will defend - protect, nourish and nurture - your skin to the healthy glow you crave."

Yes, we managed to get all that in a name: Hark & Zander. Now you know!